(Review by Lance).
The Collective had Toms and Nicholson as guests this month and the two horn players blew up such a storm that South Cones may have been hoisted 'twixt Dogger and Cromarty. Add Bloomer's wild thrashing and they may even have been reached for in the German Bight. What is certain is that there were moments when the band gave more than just a nod to Weather Report, The Crusaders and Herbie Hancock.
Underpinned by young Katie (watch out for her new band Katie and the Triggers) they gave us a glimpse of Street Life and, according to Warren (Hoochie Honcho) the fastest version of Watermelon Man he'd ever heard - it was also one of the best!
Jamie Toms blew power tenor, Keith Nicholson hit the spot on trumpet and flugel although maybe growling, great on trumpet, is a bit of an own goal on flugel! Nevertheless, he sounded good.
Bloomer bloomed with some scintillating solos that, going by his facial expressions, verged on the orgasmic. Dominic, like Katie, only occasionally burst from the pack but when he/she did it was worth waiting for.
At the back Houston had no problems - he gave the band lift off with his relentless drive and percussive persuasion.
It was a good session enhanced by the dancers - all male - who tripped the light fantastic with reckless abandon!
1 comment :
Yeah I enjoyed it too.
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