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Bebop Spoken There

Sullivan Fortner: ''I always judge it by the bass player: If the bass player is happy, it's going to be a good night". (DownBeat, February 2025).

The Things They Say!

This is a good opportunity to say thanks to BSH for their support of the jazz scene in the North East (and beyond) - it's no exaggeration to say that if it wasn't for them many, many fine musicians, bands and projects across a huge cross section of jazz wouldn't be getting reviewed at all, because we're in the "desolate"(!) North. (M & SSBB on F/book 23/12/24)


17777 (and counting) posts since we started blogging 17 years ago. 98 of them this year alone and, so far, 23 this month (Feb.8).

From This Moment On ...

February 2025

Sun 09: The New ’58 Jazz Collective @ Jackson’s Wharf, Hartlepool. 1:00pm. Free.
Sun 09: Am Jam @ The Globe, Newcastle. 2:00pm. Free.
Sun 09: Paul Skerritt @ Hibou Blanc, Newcastle. 2:00pm. Free. Vocalist Skerritt working with backing tapes.
Sun 09: Glenn Miller & Big Band Spectacular @ The Forum, Billingham. 3:00pm.
Sun 09: 4B @ The Ticket Office, Whitley Bay. 3:00pm. Free.
Sun 09: Tom Remon & Mark Williams @ Prohibition Bar, Newcastle. 7:00pm. A ‘Jar on the Bar’ gig.
Sun 09: Rod Oughton’s Tomorrow’s New Quartet with Ben van Helder @ The Globe, Newcastle. 8:00pm. Line-up inc. Deschanel Gordon.
Sun 09: Jazz Jam @ Fabio’s, Saddler St., Durham. 8:00pm. Free. A Durham University Jazz Society promotion. All welcome.

Mon 10: Harmony Brass @ Cullercoats Crescent Club. 1:00pm. Free.

Tue 11: Steve Summers Quintet @ Newcastle House Hotel, Rothbury. 7:30pm.

Wed 12: Vieux Carré Jazzmen @ Cullercoats Crescent Club. 1:00pm. Free.
Wed 12: Jam session @ The Tannery, Gilesgate, Hexham. 7:00-9:00pm. Free.
Wed 12: Darlington Big Band @ Darlington & Simpson Rolling Mills Social Club, Darlington. 7:00pm. Free. Rehearsal session (open to the public).
Wed 12: Take it to the Bridge @ The Globe, Newcastle. 7:30pm. Free.

Thu 13: Student Performances @ King’s Hall, Newcastle University. 4:00pm. Free. Inc. Olly Styles (tenor sax).
Thu 13: MOBO Awards Fringe 2025: Artist Showcase @ The Glasshouse, Gateshead. 7:00pm. Free (ticketed). Line-up inc. Hannabiell & Midnight Blue.
Thu 13: Indigo Jazz Voices @ The Globe, Newcastle. 7:45pm. £5.00.

Fri 14: John Rowland Trio @ Jesmond Library, Newcastle. 12:30-1:30pm. £5.00. at the door. New second Friday in the month concert series.
Fri 14: Classic Swing @ Cullercoats Crescent Club. 1:00pm. Free.
Fri 14: Rendezvous Jazz @ The Monkseaton Arms. 1:00pm. Free.
Fri 14: New Orleans Preservation Jazz Band @ The Oxbridge Hotel, Stockton. 1:00pm. £5.00.
Fri 14: Jason Isaacs @ St. James’ STACK, Newcastle. 4:00-6:00pm. Free. Vocalist Isaacs working with backing tapes.
Fri 14: Archipelago + Anna Tempest @ Cobalt Studios, Newcastle. 7:00pm. £12.00., £10.00., £8.00.
Fri 14: Paul Jones & Dave Kelly @ Alnwick Playhouse. 7:30pm. Rhythm & blues.
Fri 14: Alexia Gardner Quintet @ The White Room, Stanley. 7:45pm.
Fri 14: Jazz Sabbath @ The Glasshouse, Gateshead. 8:00pm.

Sat 15: Joseph Carville Trio @ The Vault, Darlington. 7:00pm. Free.
Sat 15: James Birkett & Emma Fisk @ Yamaha Music School, Blyth. 7:30pm. £15.00. at the door; £14.35. (inc £0.35 bf) online, in advance.
Sat 15: Elkie Brooks @ The Glasshouse, Gateshead. 7:30pm. ‘The Long Farewell Tour’.
Sat 15: Milne Glendinning Band @ Prohibition Bar, Newcastle. 8:00pm. A ‘Jar on the Bar’ gig.

Reviewers wanted

Whilst BSH attempts to cover as many gigs, festivals and albums as possible, to make the site even more comprehensive we need more 'boots on the ground' to cover the albums seeking review - a large percentage of which never get heard - report on gigs or just to air your views on anything jazz related. Interested? then please get in touch. Contact details are on the blog. Look forward to hearing from you. Lance

Sunday, August 15, 2010

So Long Jacky Denton - they broke the mould.

The sad news that Jacky Denton - at his peak, arguably, the north-east's greatest drummer - has died is sad news indeed. Few Tyneside fans or musicians of a certain age have not appreciated and been thrilled by his drive and ultimate swing. With Jacky behind it, a lead pendulum would've swung like the Basie Band.
I was privileged to play in the Newcastle Big Band with Jacky in the driving seat - he made you play - no prisoners were taken. It didn't matter whether it was New Orleans or Hard Bop Jacky gave any band the impetus they needed.
With the Big Band, in San Sebastian, the local Basque population took him to their hearts - he was that kind of character.
It is perhaps fitting that he should die in France. When the Big Band played in Pau Jackie fell in love with the place and he had visited it on a regular basis ever since.
Over the past couple of weeks, when drummers have been leaving us with a depressing regularity, this, to me personally, is the saddest of them all.
RIP Jacky you had no equal.
Jacky Denton died in France last Sunday (August 8) age 73.
NB: In the above photo Jackie (holding cup) is with another drummer dear to me the late Marshall Walker.


John Hedley said...

That's very sad Lance. We were just talking about him last night. I had a drink with him just a few weeks ago. He just had a gammy knee but was in top form.
A drayman, a unique man and a fantastic drummer RIP.
Great memories.

Brian Bennett said...

I remember seeing and hearing Jacky for the first time in 1962 at a pub near Fulwell Mill in Sunderland.
The Grange was home to Sunderland Jazz Club at the time and Jacky was playing drums with Hughie Aitchison's 'Cellarmen'.
I was mesmerized by his technique, drive and the sound he created. He had a heavy metal ball and chain attached to his crash cymbol - very loud, but he swung like the clappers and really fired the rhythm section.
I've played many gigs with Jacky over the years and every one was a joy - even though you came away with your ears ringing.


Roly said...

Sad news. Another great local jazz player & unique character gone.
I got to know Jack first from occasional gigs but then a longish stint at Jazz Cafe in Pink Lane. Jack, Ian Heslop & Bill Harper had a trio there and somehow I ended up doing every Friday there for about a year. I enjoyed Jack's drumming immensley - talk about insatiable swing - at times 'lift off' - phew! You had to swim or sink. Also between sets Jack would talk about his great times in music - his trip down to London with Mike Carr and a young John McLaughlin (already unbelievable apparently), gigs at Ronnie Scott's (did they have a residency there for a while?) where he met Rollins and, if I remember correct, wandered round Soho chatting to him. Jack was a larger than life character who at first meeting would seem quite a pugnacious, bruiser type of bloke but then you realised that underneath was a very gentle person with an impish humour, an engaging line of patter for the ladies, a love of gadgets, a love of France, a loveable rogue type of guy.
His drumming was special.
PS. unless it was all a dream I can remember one of the Newcastle Jazz Fests way back when most concerts were at The Newcastle Playhouse or University Theatre was it? Top name bands in the theatre, local bands in the foyer. Well Jack was on drums and somehow there were two kits and Martin Drew came and joined in. A drum battle developed with each player sizing each other up, trading 4s, 8s etc and it was quite something. As I say, did that really happen? I'm sure it did. And to think both are now gone within a week or two of each other.

carstairs said...

Jackie was one of the best. He used to do occasional deps for me band and you knew that the band would swing. Mind you, I was always a bit careful if I had to ask him if he "wouldn't mind playing a bit quieter.......".

He had a great technique and imagination and always listened to rest of the rhythm section as well as what the front line were doing, so there was always a subtle (or sometimes not-so-subtle!) rhythm going on - depending on what was being fed to Jackie's ears.

Yes, he could be grumpy but behind it was a kind man who loved his music and his mates. And the stories......

Mike Carr said...

Hello Lance,
I am sorry to hear that Jacky has died, he worked with my trio with John McLaughlin on Guitar and me on Hammond - in the 60s I think. He is also on a BBC Radio prog with Gary Cox on Ten Sax,John on Guitar Jacky on drums and me on Hammond. Jacky was a great drummer, I never knew his address
in Newcastle as I would have sent him copies of stuff I have on CD from that period.
Best Wishes
Mike Carr

Eric Stutt said...

So sad to hear about Jackie Denton I knew him since the New Orleans Jazz club, behind the Central Station in The sixties and met up at various venues over the years He was a power house drummer and way ahead of his time in the sixties. He will be sadly missed. Condolences to his family..

Lance said...

My favourite Jacky story was when he was driving through France to play with the Big Band at the San Sebastian Jazz Festival. He was camping and ran out of Calor Gas. He stopped in this small French town and, in his best Byker French, stopped the first person he saw a couple - "Ou est le Calor Gas?" a look of non comprehension crossed the couple's faces. After several further unsuccessful attempts it transpired the couple came from Yorkshire!

Derrick said...

Very sad to hear of Jacky’s passing. As everyone who came into contact with him will be. Gateshead’s answer to Mr. five by five with a personality to match. In the absence of photos what about some apocryphal tales.
When Jacky was playing with the River City years ago, Joe Shenton kindly got him a job as drayman/driver with the brewery. Five minutes from finishing time Jack was still fifteen minutes away somewhere in Jesmond. Driving like Schumacher he turned a corner where the council were digging up the path. Crates of beer went everywhere.”Oh dear”!! said Jack. Never mind said the workmen, we’ll help you.
With load tidied up Jack shouted his thanks to the workmen and got back to the depot to find his load three dozen bottles of Brown short!
And finally, Jack was working as a bailiff for Gateshead council and looking out of a top floor window in a multi story block he saw a man parking his car below. In a very polite manner Jacky said “Hoo! Shift that!” Equally courteous the reply came from below, “Bollocks!” Jacky’s response was brief “ Please yassell” as he hurled an old TV out of the window.”

God Bless Jacky.

Derrick Cogger

Alan Rudd said...

Hi Lance, sorry to hear about Jackie Denton.
I played with Jack intermittently over the years, but in recent times played with him for 6 months in a trio, with Ken Morrell on piano.I also played with him in the Tees Valley Jazzmen for a couple of years..
He was a very good drummer, things always swung like the clappers when Jack was around. No prisoners were taken!
He was a character as well, always with a tale to tell, about the Newcastle jazz scene, or his time at Ronnie Scott's, or his passion for France, which he visited every year on holiday.

Alan Rudd

Anonymous said...

Hi Lance,
This is sad news, I first must have known Jacky as a very small kid with Dad when both were with the Joe Young Band, but of course remember him with the Newcastle Big band, and the antics he and Don Eddy got up to in France, My father always said he was the Sam Woodyard of Tyneside as he could play a great swinging shuffle, and many a time used to do this at those long ago fun Jam Sessions at The Wheatsheaf, New York.
God Bless You, Jacky Denton.
Colin Aitchison (Hong Kong)

Raymond Newton said...

Sorry to learn that Jackie Denton is not with us anymore.
What a man ,what a drummer.
Jack worked in my Tea Dance Band for sometime.He knew all the dance rhythms. Also we went on tour wuth a Jazz band to Germany. Always vey professional at his work. And very good company.
Now part of the Angels Orchestra
Raymond Newton Double Bass/Bass/ Guitar/Cello and Banjo.

Dave Murphy said...

Only just caught this news tonight I'm afraid but sad to read it. I played double bass to Jacky's drums for a lot of years. We had a ball in the 'back row'! This man could drive the whole shooting match. He had natural technique and in the early days used to joke with me that he didn't know what the hell he was doing, I knew though. Wonderful memories.

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