Most press releases can be taken with a pinch of salt useful only for ensuring that you spell the names of the musicians correctly and, even then, they're not always 100% accurate. However, the notes to this album by Peripheral Version is right on the money and I make no apology for quoting them verbatim. The album title itself and the names of the individual tracks are enough to tell you that it does what it says on the tin and maybe more.
The Blunder; Syntax Error; "And the Metaphysical Context of Shame"; Portrait of a Man in a Nineteen-Century Frame; Chubby Cello; Mycelium Running; Click Bait.
Listen and enjoy.
(Press release)
Co-leaders Michael Herring (bass) and Don Scott (guitar) delve into their own neurotic psyches, finding inspiration not only in music but also in art, literature and stand-up comedy. The album title is a reference to the iconic album by famously neurotic band, Talking Heads, and this cross-genre
This is a working band with a long-time rapport - Herring and Scott have been joined by drummer Nick Fraser and tenor saxophonist Trevor Hogg since the band’s inception in 2008. Peripheral Vision is fuelled by this long-time musical friendship, bringing years of tour van talks about music and life to the stage and studio, and this dynamic group interaction creates the provocative sound of More Songs About Error And Shame.
Release date: March 30.
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