What can be said about Mark Williams that hasn't already been said? The affable Irishman appears in many different settings, his guitar playing invariably a joy to behold. However, when the band sails under the banner of the Mark Williams Trio you know from an oft-quoted remark he made at a previous gig that you're not going to hear Autumn Leaves!
© Ken Drew |
The event was a co-promotion between JNE and the Globe and the chairs were set out in rows, theatre/concert style. In some respects this is a good sign inasmuchas it indicates the organisers have had good advance sales or are anicipating a good turn out on the night which was indeed the case.
However, this well-intentioned approach can shoot itself in the foot. One person, upon observing the seating and noticing the paucity of tables, was overheard saying 'I thought this was a jazz club?'
I'd be curious to know the logistics re audience numbers in relation to cabaret or theatre seating settings.
A further point, theatre seating restricts access to the bar so that, come the interval, the barperson(s) is overwhelmed which means less money spent on drinks which in turn means less much-needed funds to keep this unique venue afloat. Perhaps this could be on the agenda for the next AGM?
Just sayin' ... Lance
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